Archive for May, 2013

Get your Split Systems cleaned before Christmas!

We may think that Xmas is far away. But before we know it …it will be here upon us in a mad rush getting things ready for your visitors.

As the weather is cooler now, it is a good time to get them cleaned ready for when it heats up again. Things start getting extra busy in September and October onwards.

It makes good sense to clean them now while we have them off in the cooler months. Also it is easier to budget in the cost now than closer to Christmas time with presents and holidays hitting the budget.

If there is a problem like the unit being short on gas, it is better to find out now rather than Xmas time. It will be hard to get a mechanic out to do repairs on it. It could be a major cost near $400 to regas the system. If that is the case, perhaps a new unit to be installed would be more viable. Then, installers need to be arranged along with electricians who are heavily booked already. So, all these reasons make it worthwhile to get the service done well in advance. Usually in hot periods, we get calls for water leaking inside, poor cooling, moldy appearance on unit and smelly aircons. These type of jobs create a sense of urgency and puts extra workload on services already scheduled and booked in prior to those breakdowns. So give Kevin a break and call him now while he can give extra service for your units.

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